
Thursday, March 14, 2019

New Fencing

Ground Hog, Rabbit and Coon Keep Out

First Planting

Garden 2019 has begun the Ides of March.  I began with my companion planting of Peas and Okra.  You can see the stalks from the summer okra.  The two rows of peas are sowed beneath the stalks for climbing if they want. This is a no till planting.  I created rows with a pile of compost, and planted peas.  Placed a row of hay on top.

With daylight savings in full swing, I still had a lot of daylight for a planting of greens.  These were last years squash hills, and the soil was dry and loose for planting.  I added some compost to the rows. 

Spinach, Raab Lettuce and Radish