Christmas Cactus is Right On Time |
Rosemary, Poinsettia and Begonia |
Houseplants in the Sunroom |
Norfork Island Pine, Peace Lily and Buzzards quilt by Phyllis |
Dragon and Snake plants and Buzzards hook rug by Sarah Belle |
Ponytail Palm, Ti and White dog by Katherine Dunn and Alan's Photo of Minor |
Fig, Palm, Jade and Jim's Tree Table |
Deer running from Okra |
Peppers and Tomatoes |
We got 5 inches of rain in July, so the peppers and tomatoes have grown.
With a forecast for more this weekend, we should get tomatoes.
Beans are full of blooms, but lost the squash and cucumber as predicted.
This is our Basil row, and two rows of Okra, as well as some birdhouse gourds. |
Cosmos is Happy...ready to bloom. |
We had a smart doe able to jump our fence, and ate the red beans (first row), leaving the pintos for us. A generous doe, with a bean (and pea) fed fawn in tow.