Plum in Bloom before the freeze again!
Peas are planted for spring, but that is it. I let the Elmwood CSA do the work with their fancy spring tunnels, and enjoy the spring blooms at Buzzard Roost.
Christmas Rose started blooming in January
Lenten Rose
Narcissus |
Buttercup |
Daffodil |
Forsythia is finally getting big.
Truth be told I have spent my stimulus this spring on new perennials, I am busy getting them in the ground and I confess I am a perennial hoarder. The planting last week includes: Bluebells, Woodland Phlox, False Indigo, Witch hazel, a wild digitalis Beard-tongue , Blue Sage, and a Poppy and a Pink for my rock garden...all from Missouri Wildflower Nursery. I was going to put them all at the pond, but Mom thought they should be by the house so you can see them, so I made a new shade garden at the old chicken shed and put half of them there and the rest at the pond. Coming from Bluestone Perennials in April is another attempt at Hollyhocks (deer eat them), and a new fancy Hellebore for David. He also wanted some more roses, so we got a climber (Don Juan) for the front porch and a big wild bush (Graham Thomas) for the yard. I have been buying roses from Antique Rose Emporium, and they have done very well. And that is not all! I got this hardy fuchsia, Fuchsia Magellanica and a new red Peony from White Wildflower Farm. Hopefully I will have many a flower to show off throughout the year.
Nancy, Don't forget to get some rose starts when you're down. Some we have come from the Dutton homestead; the climbiing rose on the arbor, which has not done as well due to its being in the shade, would thrive in the sun. Other stuff. I'll get Phyllis to read your bolg (?) here and she should have some suggestions also. Mike