
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bok Choy

Bok Choy Harvest
Turnip, Bok Choy and Lettuce rows
 Spend this lovely October day weeding and thinning the Bok Choy row. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Suffering a major drought here in central Kentucky.  Still, we got a bushel of tomatoes and a few peppers.  We ate one helping of fried okra...but really need rain to get much more.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bean Week

Last week was bean week here at Buzzard Roost.  David picked the beans in the mornings since it rose to the upper 90s all week, so it took him a few days to get them all picked.  Then in the evenings we watch a movie while we shuck the beans.  Then I freeze them.  We had 50 pints of pintos and 20 of red beans.  This is a lot of work, but well worth it for fresh beans.  

Thursday, March 14, 2019

New Fencing

Ground Hog, Rabbit and Coon Keep Out

First Planting

Garden 2019 has begun the Ides of March.  I began with my companion planting of Peas and Okra.  You can see the stalks from the summer okra.  The two rows of peas are sowed beneath the stalks for climbing if they want. This is a no till planting.  I created rows with a pile of compost, and planted peas.  Placed a row of hay on top.

With daylight savings in full swing, I still had a lot of daylight for a planting of greens.  These were last years squash hills, and the soil was dry and loose for planting.  I added some compost to the rows. 

Spinach, Raab Lettuce and Radish

Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Seeds

 Trying a new seed company this year out of Virginia, because of their cover!
Also getting some heirlooms from Baker Creek
Gotta have Slenderette Beans which I found at Victory Seeds

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Fall Harvest in Janurary

Turnips and Tatsoi
Tatsoi Bouquet

Harvested Tatsoi and Turnips today ahead of a big winter storm.  This is my latest fall harvest ever.  Nothing would grow all fall, and turnips are still quite small.  The weather was warm, but too much rain and not enough sun.