
Friday, June 29, 2018

and Cucumbers

Second picking of squash and first of cucumbers.
These little cucumbers are tasty with a real nutty flavor.  I made an oriental salad out of the big ones sliced, and occidental pickles out of the small ones cut length wise. 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Here comes the squash!

First harvest 2018
Summer squash bed


Young basil plamts went in where lettuce came out
Young tomato bed

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Bean Field

Here are our rows of beans along with our rows prepped for adding our peppers.  We will finish out the garden with winter squash which I am planting later this year attempting to avoid the squash borer egg laying. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


I found a crop of Tatsoi in the weeds.  The first planting of chinese cabbage, planted on 4/15, failed; but this second planting did better.  Probably was planted a couple of weeks later.  There is a bug in the spring that loves to eat on the green, which really doesn't bother it in the fall.  This really is a better fall crop.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

How's your garden growing?

Mine was growing in seedling pots till this weekend.

David made the rows
Added horse manure

I planted the tomatoes.  Peppers went into the middle garden but no photos yet
Also put in two rows or okra seeds around the peas which are almost done.
Cucumbers coming along, garlic almost ready!!!
Summer squash bed looking good.