
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cranberry Relish

I found this recipe on the blog, Set the Table and I have made it every Thanksgiving since.      She lived in Japan for a while and concocted this recipe with Sake, and it is very good.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


New Post

Half a Kentucky cabbage and half a purple one from California.  Kentucky cabbage is just not very sweet, so I sweented it up and added some color with purple cabbage. Then I grated half a rutabaga from my Elmwood CSA which adds an earthy, nutty flavor.  Added carrots from the San Luis Valley, again much sweeter than a Kentucky carrot.  Spiced with salt pepper and fresh basil leave.  Mayo to taste!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Too Much Okra

I take back what I said last week.  
Too much okra this week, with minimum 2 more pickings on the stalk.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Peppers and Pumpkins

Here come the peppers, along with spaghetti squash.  Little pumpkins too!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

Tomato Season

This is our second picking.  Our first picking is canned into 16 pints!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Prolific Patty Pan

Patty Pan still coming in.  We froze a bunch, and have been braising it for most suppers.  Tomatoes are coming in and okra will start coming in this next week. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Squash Still and Pickles.

Squash and cucumbers slowed down a bit this week, we were very dry.  Raining cats and dogs right now, so we will see if they keep making.  I am making mint dill pickles.  Here is my recipe.

Gather ingrediants
grind mint in 1 C sugar
dissolve in 1 C vinegar

Clean, cap and slice pickles adding garlic,turmeric and dill
Pour vinegar and 2 c of water over cucumbers and place in refrigerator.

Cucumber Relish

This is my cucumber relish, marinating in the vinegar and spice overnight and will be processed in a hot water bath in the morning.  This is the recipe for cucumber relish in the Blue Book.  Except I added mint ground with some of the sugar, fresh turmeric and dill in the vinegar, along with 2 Tablespoons of the pickle spice from the food coop (which is essentially the spice asked for in the Blue Book recipe).  The vegetables include 8 medium cucumbers, 2 red peppers and 2 green peppers, 1 onion and about 4 cloves of garlic.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Green Beans

Green beans are coming on.  We grow Slenderettes, and this year added Maxibel which is also a long slender bean.  

Friday, June 29, 2018

and Cucumbers

Second picking of squash and first of cucumbers.
These little cucumbers are tasty with a real nutty flavor.  I made an oriental salad out of the big ones sliced, and occidental pickles out of the small ones cut length wise. 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Here comes the squash!

First harvest 2018
Summer squash bed


Young basil plamts went in where lettuce came out
Young tomato bed

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Bean Field

Here are our rows of beans along with our rows prepped for adding our peppers.  We will finish out the garden with winter squash which I am planting later this year attempting to avoid the squash borer egg laying. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


I found a crop of Tatsoi in the weeds.  The first planting of chinese cabbage, planted on 4/15, failed; but this second planting did better.  Probably was planted a couple of weeks later.  There is a bug in the spring that loves to eat on the green, which really doesn't bother it in the fall.  This really is a better fall crop.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

How's your garden growing?

Mine was growing in seedling pots till this weekend.

David made the rows
Added horse manure

I planted the tomatoes.  Peppers went into the middle garden but no photos yet
Also put in two rows or okra seeds around the peas which are almost done.
Cucumbers coming along, garlic almost ready!!!
Summer squash bed looking good.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Peas on Earth Day

Peas and Greens
These peas along with radish lettuce and spinach were planted St. Pats day.  Last week the rest of this bed was sowed with a third row of peas and bok choy.  Spinach seedlings were sown today along with cilantro seedlings. 

Spinach in the sun
Got Garlic

Sunday, March 18, 2018


This hyacinth and early daffodil 
were here when we bought the farmhouse

Friday, March 16, 2018

Garden 2018 Begins

The early daffodils are blooming even through the 8" snow on March 12th. 
Time to plant peas.  I put in 2 rows of peas and row of lettuce and radish today. 
We had tilled a couple of weeks ago, and it was dried out enough on top to plant
them in furrows and cover them up.  We got a load of horse manure for our rows.   
Early Daffodils
Wet snow on March 12th

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Naked Ruben

This was so very good, Ruben without the bread.  We melted a slice of Swiss cheese on corned beef in toaster oven.  Then they were plated with sauerkraut on top and thousand island dressing.  I did not want to heat the kraut, but David did.