Buzzard Roost Homestead Blog is moving to Blogspot. Buzzard Roost has come to document my garden at our homestead in Washington Co. Kentucky. This is our beautiful view at sunset after a May rain.
You can see our old blog at the link below.
Buzzard Roost Homestead blog at Wordpress
I am ready to order seeds for 2014! Waiting for catalogs from Mennonites Farmers at E&R in Indiana and Berlin Seeds in Ohio. They are being a bit slow, so I think I'll go ahead and get some peas from Southern Exposure online and Ferry Morse at Fayette seeds in town. I like to get my peas in early. I am looking to get seeds regionally this year, instead of Vermont or New Mexico. I am also getting a wide variety of those vegetables that I have trouble growing, such as spinach. I read I should plant as many cultivars as possible, and then when one does the seeds. Now, I had good luck with my leek and onion plants from Seeds of Italy out of Texas last year, so I am going to order those again.
Change of plan...After studying the Johnny's catalog which is very informative, decided to buy onion and leeks plants from them along with early peas. Maybe some new asparagus as well.