
Saturday, July 23, 2016


Cabbage and peppers bedded down in straw for the dog days of summer.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Golden Garden

Volunteer Sunflower and Baby Mantis

Okra Flower

Okra Row

Squash Rows
Dill bed
Dill Flower

I see red!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Graden Flowers


Red Zinnia

White Zinnia

Bees on Milkweed

Winter Squash and Summer Squash

First Red Tomato

Golden Bug with Sunflower

Friday, July 8, 2016

Bean's Coming

Bean field and the giant squash

You can not see them in this photo, but in here lies many a green bean flower.

Monday, June 27, 2016

June Garden Update

Kale and Squash is what's for dinner
Cabbage growing like bonsai like they did last year, thick stems 
and no head.  I hilled the soil up around them. 
Young peppers are small and hard to see between the mowed rows
check back in July

Tomatoes looking very good 
with lots of green tomatoes

Saturday, May 28, 2016


My new method for harbesting greens.  Pull up roots with soil and plant in a shallow pan you move to the frig.  Kept my lettuce fresh all week without plastic. The one cabbage has bolted, but I have about 3 rows of cabbages looking good! 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Spring Garden

I think I have finally learned not to plant tomatoes before the second week of May around here.  Change of patch frost last night and tonight meant I had to cover them in row covers.

The spring garden has been giving us asparagus, spinach and lettuce.  There is a good crop of chinese cabbage coming on from seeds.  I purchased regular cabbage seedlings this year due to poor performance the last two years of those I started from seeds.  Cut worm cut many of them, but I still have about ten plants looking good.

My new technique this year is to mow rows between the tilled rows.  The cuttings then being used for mulch.  I am supposed to get some hay real soon for mulching the planted rows. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Graden 2016

Peas are planted and the garden season begins.  Finished out 4 rows of garlic in various peas, and finished the row in lettuce.  The mesh fence is to keep rabbit out.